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Autor Thema: Allgemeine Hinweise zu diesem Forum
Raimund Pucher Datum: 21.06.2006 09:19  Antworten  

In diesem Forum können Fragen und Anliegen rund um den Radsport und zu Sitzpositionsoptimierungen gepostet werden.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Raimund Pucher

Jayce Datum: 30.06.2016 23:30  Antworten

I’m so glad you all are okay…I wouldn’t want Irene back…EVER, either!!! I’m so sorry for the damage that happened to your town…I hope it has a swift recovery and that there weren’t to many losses home wise as well as landmark-wise, I’ve seen some very sad pics of 150 year old covered bridges lost eta!8#230;unbelievable&Tcke care and at least Irene helped to force some game time…her only barely redeeming quality!xo J~

Tiger Datum: 02.07.2016 01:42  Antworten

Of the panoply of website I've pored over this has the most veaircty.

Emmy Datum: 04.07.2016 20:03  Antworten

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Margery Datum: 09.02.2017 03:14  Antworten

Geez, that's unalvieebble. Kudos and such.

Crissy Datum: 09.02.2017 03:34  Antworten

No contpaimls on this end, simply a good piece.

Ival Datum: 09.02.2017 08:52  Antworten

Great common sense here. Wish I'd thuoght of that.

Reignbeau Datum: 09.02.2017 08:52  Antworten

At last some rainotality in our little debate.

Margaretta Datum: 12.02.2017 01:13  Antworten

It's spooky how clever some ppl are. Thasnk! [url=]aabveuisg[/url] [link=]xcroysebkvm[/link]

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